The Healing Power of Self Touch | victoria bc boudoir photography

When was the last time you allowed yourself to be intimate with yourself?

In a deeply intentional, and sensuous way.

It doesn’t need to be sexual – although it can, if that’s what moves you and heals you.

It just needs to be full of intention, connection, and being present with yourself.

Creating a mindful self touch practice can help you deepen your connection to self and can often provide deep healing. You can also combine a self touch moment with words of affirmation as well to create a very potent self care practice.

When first starting out, start slow. Connect with areas of your body that feel neutral, for example your hands, shoulder or any other area that feels comfortable for exploration. Certain areas can be harder to explore, or bring up triggering emotions, which is okay and completely normal, but just remember to be kind, compassionate and gentle with yourself – especially when you are first cultivating your practice.

Eventually you can work your way up to placing your hands on the parts of your body that you feel uncomfortable with – and directing more loving energy there. Imagine ending the war on your tummy and being able to hold it with compassion and give it some loving sweet jiggles (my favourite way to explore my tum is in the bath where I can jiggle it around and make silly sounding waves with the water. It’s such a light-hearted way to bring some joy back to an area that has previously been a source for a lot of negative emotions).

When starting to explore parts of your body that trigger body image trauma, go slow. Place your hands over that part of you and just hold them there in a kind and loving way, breathing with yourself for a few moments, even closing your eyes if you want - noticing what it feels like to just hold yourself and send love to areas that you held unloving thoughts for, without judgement. If you’re feeling particularly cheeky or want to bring a little playfulness into your practice, I like to give those parts little loving tugs and jiggles – much like you’d give a puppy little playful pats and jiggles. Treating my body like a soft cute animal is one of the best ways I’ve learnt to reframe the way I think of my squish!

Self massage can also be a powerful way to connect with your body, aside from releasing tension it can also help you to notice sensations and conversations your body is trying to have with you by holding on to a state rigidity. For example, your neck, shoulders or jawline can hold a lot of tension from stress, so taking time to gently touch and massage those areas and allowing some of that pent up pressure to release can be so relieving and satisfying.

You can also give yourself tender kisses on your shoulders, hands, knees etc. as a gesture of thanks for all that they do to carry you through each day. Exploring a self touch practice is creating a space where you can feel supported, soothed, honoured, and cared for in your physical needs. And this includes showering yourself with those little affections like kisses on the shoulders. Whenever I take a bath I love to give my knees and legs sweet little kisses – just to say thank you to my body for carrying me through life.

Now, more than ever, it’s important to be able to connect with our bodies as we may be receiving less physical care, touch, affection and connection with others. By creating a deeper connection to self in this way, it can bring us back to ourselves, especially during times of stress and disconnect, this practice can be an empowering way to care for yourself.

So, get out there and touch yo self!


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