victoria bc boudoir - natural abundance

In the "before times" (this is what I will now call pre-Covid reality) I was spending a lot of time thinking about what abundance meant, looked like, and how to call it into my life. I've always been a believer of "the more I have, the more I share", so calling in abundance means a lot to me because it means I can share more with my community. 

In the before times, abundance to me looked like more clients, more travelling, more shooting, more work, more income, more stability. Sure, these things are nice and would increase my material quality of life. But my perspective shifted when I began to think about natural abundance

And boy, that assh*le Covid really just swept in and provided me with the "sit down and think" time to really appreciate natural abundance. 

We have so much to be grateful for. And now I spend most of my days literally just sitting here being grateful for all of it. (This is going to get a little woowoo but heck if we all can't use a little more woo in our lives right now). This universe and earth provide us with so much abundance, if we are willing to see it, thank it, and appreciate it when it comes to us.

Things that are in abundance right now if we care to seek: laughter, hope, dreams, aspirations, love, ocean breezes, wind waiting to caress our hair, rocks that need painting, friendship. 

I know for a lot (if not all) of us, the anxiety around the uncertainty of the future can be crippling. I am in the same boat as a lot of you when it comes to loss of income, not knowing what my financial future looks like during and post-pandemic. This can be (and is) quite scary and stress inducing. But when I start to feel the tug of panic wearing at the corners of my soul, I close my eyes and remind myself of the natural abundance around us. Of everything we have to be grateful for still. 

The universe is, by nature, creative. She is abundant with it! We will find creative ways through this, I am already seeing so much love and support in our communities for one another. Together, hand in hand with creativity, and love, we will find our way back. Economic abundance may seem far off, but we still have an abundance of love around us. And for that, I am grateful. 

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