Victoria BC Boudoir Photography - Confidence is a VERB

Do you know someone who just oozes confidence? They walk into a room and you’re like “damn - I want to be that confident.”

Well, you can be!

Confidence is a verb - it's an action word. It's not something we possess, or have. It's something we choose.

It exists in small actions we make towards ourselves, that affect our inner mind-set, and our outer attitude.

Confidence actions can include:

- Positive thinking

- Quelling negative talk patterns

- Dating yourself

- Setting small goals for you to accomplish and feel instantly better (example: making your bed)

- Wearing armour that makes you feel good (choosing your lounge wear to make you feel like a badass)

If we think of confidence as a verb, and not an elusive attitude to possess, it becomes a practice that we can implement into our daily lives. We can use those small acts to strengthen our connection and belief in ourselves.

The more we choose to act confidently towards the person we want to be, how we want to treat ourselves and others, then we start creating and cultivating more confident energy in our lives.

The moment you decide to act confident (even if it just feels like you’re wearing a mask when you start), is the moment you tell the universe: hey, I’m a confident badass and I deserve to be treated as such.

Now go out there and act like the confident mother f*cker you were destined to be.

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