the power of self-worth | victoria bc boudoir photography

“Self-worth: is that feeling that you’re a good person who deserves to be treated with respect”. -Merriam-Webster

The dictionary definition of self-worth may describe a feeling of worthiness – it’s important to also consider self-VALUE. Self-value is how you act towards what you value; and that includes yourself.

Many of us can get our sense of self-worth tangled up in the trap of comparing ourselves to others, and in turn we create a warped view of ourselves based on external opinions. We place too much value on comparing ourselves to others abilities, appearances, and achievements – rather than honouring ourselves as we are.

Achieving, or not achieving a goal has nothing to do with your worth as a human. What really matters is that how fulfilled are you with the process of doing whatever it is you’re doing (the magic really is in the journey, not the destination).

You are the heart and centre of your life. You are the epicentre of your joy, your self-worth, your journey. You are both the destination, the journey, and the driver.

So fire up that engine, and make sure you top up the oil in your self-worth machine. Because if you can keep that fire burning, no matter what life throws your way, you will always have yourself to depend on.

You have something that nobody else in this world has; your unique views, opinions, creativity, intellect, physical abilities, character traits, personality, life story, values, morals, ethics, and most importantly – inner voice.

You are your greatest superpower.

You are deserving of love and respect, no matter what. When you see the worth in yourself regardless of outer influences or experiences, the value you hold towards yourself shifts, and as a result alters your actions going forward. You have your own back. No matter what happens externally, you hold the power in your own life.

Claim your worth – your beautiful, important, unique, authentic, and powerful identity - because you’re the only YOU in this world, and you’re f*cking incredible.


How to find your creativity - tips for photographers, artists, and humans.


a letter from a client to the people who say "oh I'll book one day" | victoria bc boudoir photography