Unashamedly herself: Victoria BC Outdoor Boudoir

I had the pleasure & honour of working with Miss R during our last outdoor boudoir marathon. Her energy was simply INCREDIBLE. I have never met someone so grounded in themselves - so unashamedly owning their uniqueness. The whole session she had me and Alison switching back between fits of laughter at her incredible stories and wit, and then the next second blinking back tears as we realized how incredibly strong this woman truly is.  I knew that I wanted to really make her session something special. At the beginning of the day I set my intention to give this amazing woman photos that really capture her internal beauty and strength. The best thing about this work is that my clients really bring the magic themselves, I just happen to be there to capture it. 


"Thank you for the amazing photographs.  Although,  I was not identified as female at birth the photos you took show my true self.  As a 60 year old transgender woman I struggle with my appearance as many women do, the photos taken help me and will be cherished forever."



Thank you for everything that you are, Miss R! I will not forget the amazing laughs that you inspired that day, nor will I forget the incredible energy that you take with you wherever you go. You truly celebrated yourself that day and I will always hold it in my heart. <3 





Feelin' Yourself - Victoria BC Boudoir Photography


Brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous: Victoria BC Boudoir Photography