greeting a new year | victoria bc boudoir photography

When the calendar year flips, our culture tends to jump into setting big goals for the next trip around the sun. There’s pressure to be better, do more, make more, see more. Be more.

It can leave us feeling pretty overwhelmed, and can set us up for expectations and goals we inevitably can’t reach or meet.

What if we instead flipped the script. Instead of being more, we instead focused on simply being.

Being present.

Being mindful.

Being grateful.

Being you.

Just, being.

I invite you not to set giant goals for the new year, but instead ask yourself how you can fill your days with more moments of presence. What little things can you invite in that will bring you more peace, a sense of gratitude, and a chance to sit and enjoy everything that is already transpiring around you.

So f*ck those new years resolutions – less doing, more being. Whatever that looks like to you.


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daily rituals to grow your self-confidence | victoria bc boudoir photography