Educating in Las Vegas with The Boudoir Album at WPPI

I really wanted to share a recap blog of my experience teaching at the Boudoir Summit with The Boudoir Album, at WPPI (which, btw is one of the world’s largest photography conventions). So, no pressure or anything.

I wanted to share this recap – but I want to keep it real with ya’ll.

This was the scariest thing I’ve ever done in my 30 years on this planet.

I didn’t sleep a full night for over a month.

And no, I am not exaggerating (I wish I was, I love sleep).

I was a total mess leading up to this event. I wasn’t sleeping so I wasn’t super present at home, my mind was so fixated on “oh god, Vegas is coming up”, and my anxiety was cranked up past max.

It was scary to me – but it was only scary because it was a totally new and out-of-my-comfort-zone experience.

I knew, logically and deep down (like… really deep down) that everything was going to be amazing.

“If you weren’t ready for it, the opportunity wouldn’t have presented itself” (or whatever people say).

And it’s an annoying cliche – but it’s fucking true!

I was totally ready for it, and with my wonderful assistant and associate Anne Marie with me, we had the best time. I wished I could have jumped back in time to let past-me know that we were going to ROCK IT so I could get that whole month of sleep back.

Vegas was an absolute whirlwind of emotions. From our shooting bay at the summit, to our individual workshop, and shooting with delightful clients in our AirBNB… it was all a dream come true.

My Vegas Highlights

  1. We need to do scary shit once in a while. We need to step outside of our comfort zone and do something that really, genuinely, makes us want to shit our pants a little bit. Because this is where GROWTH comes in. I feel like I have such a newfound faith and belief in myself that I wouldn’t have had if I didn’t say “YES” when this opportunity came around. So do something that scares you a little bit – because who knows what version of you is waiting on the other side?

(in picture: Sabrina at the Boudoir Summit with the Boudoir Album)

2. Get outside your bubble more often. This was probably the biggest shift for me. Before I went to Vegas, I felt very isolated in my business. Running a business is LONELY, isolating, hard work. Hiring Anne Marie was a true gift, but I still felt very alone and in my own bubble on Vancouver Island, Canada – a far cry away from larger cities where many more boudoir photographers around. I never felt like a part of the community – despite being tagged in things on Facebook, and being connected on Youtube. I still felt really removed from the larger community. Oh, man. And then… Vegas. I feel like I cracked wide open and all the amazing love, support, and beautiful energy this community holds just came pouring in. There is such power in community – I wish I had left my bubble years ago. So if you are feeling a little isolated and lonely in your own business, I highly recommend going to more community gatherings/workshops/whatever you can afford. Or host one in your own community! Community is a gift. It’s our super power. We have so much more to offer when we come together as a collective.

(in picture: Ruby Roxx)

3. Boudoir is magical af. Look, ok, I know this already, obviously. But I felt it on another level while in Vegas. When I started boudoir way back when (gosh how has it already been almost 8 years!?) things looked very different. There weren’t education opportunities like this, we were all figuring shit out on our own. “The Boot Strap Kids” as Andi says. The fact there are chances for us to get together and share knowledge, connect, and resonate and raise our vibration together as a community is SO long over due. Being around all these other amazing artists really made me FEEL how magical this community is. On another level. This art form is powerful, we offer life-changing transformations with our craft. It was incredible to feel that excitement and see this next wave of the industry growing.

4. Meeting other boudoir photographers is so MUCH FUN! Look, I’m an introverted to the max. But it was such a blast meeting so many amazing humans I’ve followed on IG, or have followed me on IG or Youtube. Coming together in the real world and celebrating our art together was pure joy. If you ever see me around at an event in the future, please come say hi! I love meeting ya’ll!

Thank you for being here, for reading this, for supporting our art, and for just being you.

Can’t wait to see ya’ll next year!

With love,

M xx


Maternity Boudoir with Anne Marie | Victoria BC Boudoir Photography


the magic of embracing your inner wild | outdoor boudoir photography vancouver island