Overcoming Imposter Syndrome - Victoria BC Boudoir Photography

Do you ever look at my photos and think "I could NEVER do that"? 

Or maybe it’s more along the lines of "I'd love to do that, but I'll never be like them." "Of course they can do it, they're confident/strong/blahblahblah"

Come here, lean in close. 

WE ALL FEEL THIS WAY SOMETIMES. What you are experiencing is imposter syndrome. Feeling like you aren’t good enough to do the thing that you’ve always dreamed of doing. Feeling unworthy and unable to stand in your power. I'm gonna tell you a secret: we ALL feel imposter syndrome at one time or another. I still feel it, constantly, regards to my work both behind the camera, and when I'm in front of it. Imposter syndrome is when we doubt ourselves, fall victim to the monster of comparison, or when we put ourselves in boxes and make ourselves smaller because of our subconscious fear of taking up the space that we are entitled to.

Taking up space is your birthright.

Doing the things that call to you is your birthright.

Joy is your birthright

Self love is your birthright.

Let me tell you something. You are not an imposter here. There are no prerequisites to a boudoir shoot. If you are a living breathing human being, congratulations: you are more than worthy of being documented, celebrated, photographed, praised. You are more than worthy of doing everything you have ever dreamt of. You are worthy of claiming this space, exploring this side of yourself, healing past wounds, celebrating your triumphs. Celebrating your damn self.

So the next time you see a photo and think "oh, I want to, but I could never." Ask yourself why? Why could you never? Is it a real barrier, or a perceived/inner barrier that you just need to work through and shatter?

You are worthy.

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