Victoria BC Outdoor Boudoir Photography - Chasing Shadows

“I embrace my shadow self. Shadows give depth and dimension to my life. I believe in embracing my duality, in learning to let darkness and light, peacefully co-exist, as illumination.”
— Jaeda DeWalt

A lot of photographers call themselves light chasers, and while I relate to that to some degree, I definitely feel myself chasing the shadows more than the light. I would describe my work as dark and moody, I love depth to my images, rich delicious tones, and moooooooood.

I tried being a light and airy boudoir photographer when I just started - I felt like that’s what I was ‘supposed’ to do. Boudoir was ‘supposed’ to be glamorous and bright. But, over time, I found my true voice, and my authentic style. I loved leaning into shadows and darkness. The mystery behind a intentionally obscured face. Leaning into the shadows of both an image, and life, excites me tremendously.

It’s not until we learn to see, appreciate, and honour our shadow selves can we truly accept and love our full selves. And boudoir, to me, is no longer about being glamorous, and bright. It’s about recognizing and celebrating those darker things about ourselves that we try to hide, or ignore. It’s about putting in the work - committing to embrace our full selves, shadows and all. The night must follow the day, and with it comes it’s own beauty and illumination. It brings the moon, and the stars. Mystery and wonder. And so does your shadow side.


This set shot with the wonderful Secret Waters Photo and Reclamation Dress Design.

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