victoria bc boudoir photography ~

I'm gonna tell you a secret. Lean in close.

You πŸ‘ don't πŸ‘ need πŸ‘ to πŸ‘ love πŸ‘ your πŸ‘ body πŸ‘ to πŸ‘ celebrateπŸ‘ it

That's like saying oh, I can't paint until I'm Leonardo Da Vinci. We all need to start somewhere. Celebrating your body and capturing your body through boudoir photography is part of your journey: it's just one of the tools you can add to your paint-box so that you can paint self-love circles around yourself like a mother-fucking renaissance artist. The goal isn't to leap into a boudoir shoot already loving the sh*t out of your body (although that would be f*cking DOPE - and definitely the long term goal). The short term goal is to leap and know that my team will be there to catch you. The goal is to make that decision to celebrate yourself, and through that action, be able to commit a little deeper to your self-love journey.

As adults we think we need to be good at something before we can do it. Loving your body is the same thing! You're not going to be great at it when you start out. THAT'S OKAY. You're learning, and building a tool kit for the long-term. Every small commitment you make to yourself, every action you take in love and celebration of yourself, makes the on-going practice of self-love just that much easier.

Stop thinking you need to love your body in order to celebrate it and respect it. Saying you need to like what your body looks like in order to give it love or respect is actually objectifying yourself. Your body deserves your unrelenting love, respect, and celebration REGARDLESS of what it looks like.

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