Victoria BC Boudoir Photography: Boudoir as Body Reclamation

Our bodies are perpetually shifting and changing entities – when we find one way to embrace and love our body with all it’s imperfections, something changes and we need to adapt and integrate these changes into our self-love narrative.

But when these changes leave you a bit rattled, a bit shaken, and a little confused, it can be harder to accept our bodies for the beautiful vulnerable flesh and blood that they are. Through a recent diagnosis, I’ve had to recalibrate my self-love dialogue and learn to accept and love my vessel for what it continues to do for me.

In a time where I felt myself disconnected from my body – feeling a bit more foreign in it that I am accustomed to, I needed a way to ground myself back into my physical self and reclaim the space that I occupy. Queue: a much needed selfie-for-self-love session.

I get to watch my clients come to life in front of my lens on a regular basis. I get to see them fall a little deeper in love with themselves, find a new appreciation for their body, and embrace their sensuous energy. Often times when I do selfie sessions it feels very… clinical. I’m testing lighting, or I’m testing a new prop, or a new outfit, or a new editing style I want to try.. etc etc etc.

I can’t remember the last time I jumped in front of the camera for the sheer intention of feeling inspired + sexy in my body again. I’ve definitely done it before, and it’s definitely an outcome I feel from almost every single photoshoot I get to do (either selfies or by other amazing photographers), but it’s been a long while since that was the sole intention throughout the entire process.

And boy, let me tell you: it felt fucking liberating. Throughout the whole shoot I was able to lean into things on a deeper level: physically and emotionally. And when I went through the photos afterwards, I not only saw how beautiful my vessel still is despite it’s trials + tribulations: I felt that energy radiating through the photos, and reverberating something deep inside of me.

So the next time you feel like you need to reconnect to your physical vessel: breathe, touch your body, and take it in front of the camera and CELEBRATE yourself in this moment. It’s not vanity, it’s sanity. And you deserve to feel connected + in love with your temple.

***PS: content warning for family members. Scroll further and I am not wearing pants and am very naked. You know what I do for a living and I am embraaaacing it here.


Victoria BC Boudoir Photography


Victoria BC Outdoor Boudoir Photography